
The charming coastal town of Newport, also known as The Dungeness Crab Capitol of the World, sits at the mouth of the Yaquina River on Oregon’s Central Coast. Established in 1891 as a port city, Newport boasts the Largest Commercial Fishing Fleet on the Oregon Coast and has long been established as an economic seafood hub. Visitors and locals alike love walking along the harbor in the Bayfront District to the watch the fleet processing fish and crab on the working docks. Newport is also home to the state’s largest marine science center, the Oregon Coast Aquarium, OCCC campuses, 2 lighthouses, countless hiking trails, lush green forests, cultural centers, shopping, dining, beach access sites, state parks, and several outdoor activity opportunities. Part of the Yaquina Bay community, with a population of over 11,000 warmhearted coastal citizens, Newport has a variety of communities to choose from. Check out these four neighborhoods to see which one fits you best!